Ammo Insignia Challenge Coin Display and Lamp added to the Gallery

A service member who liked the EOD bomb display requested a slight tweak to the design to be less EOD and more representative of the munitions systems specialist or Ammo career field. We removed the lightning bolts and added the shell and flame insignia to the front while keeping the rotating base for a challenge coin display. It turned out great; see it in our gallery!

Autism Awareness Hitch Cover added to Our Gallery

Some of the best, most meaningful pieces we create come from design requests. This one ranks among the top of our creations. We received a request to design an autism awareness hitch cover using the puzzle piece symbolism and the words “Different, not less.” After much discussion and thought, we decided it would look best to have the letters clearly visible through use of a CNC machine. We were able to incorporate the puzzle pieces via the shape of the metal and by painting interlocking pieces which really brought life to it. A very meaningful piece and we are happy we were able to meet the family’s expectations for this! Check it out in our gallery.